The Holidays and Your Estate Plan

By |2022-10-10T13:22:09+00:00December 12th, 2018|Estate Planning, Lady Bird Deed, Probate, Trusts, Wills|

While it can be difficult to broach the topic of estate planning, the holidays are a great time to start the conversation. Make sure you have the appropriate safety measures and documents in order to protect your loved ones. From lady bird deeds to living wills and special needs trusts, we can help you plan for your family’s future.

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5 Benefits of a Lady Bird Deed in Michigan

By |2022-10-10T13:57:23+00:00March 8th, 2018|Estate Planning, Financial, Lady Bird Deed, Probate, Taxes|

Lady bird deeds are an extremely effective estate planning tool. They are very common in Michigan and have a number [...]

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5 Reasons Not To Put Your Child’s Name On Your Deed

By |2022-10-11T13:13:36+00:00May 25th, 2017|Estate Planning, Financial, Lady Bird Deed, Probate, Taxes, Trusts, Wills|

Putting your child’s name on the deed to your home is often seen as a simple and inexpensive estate planning [...]

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