Power of Attorney Lawyer Plymouth
It is never too early to prepare for the future. A Power of Attorney is a device that you may put in place now in the event of your incapacity. Designating someone who can take control and govern your finances and/or make important health care decisions can give you peace of mind in the event you become unable to manage them on your own. A power of attorney is one of many ways we can create a strong legal foundation for you to protect yourself and your family.
Whether you need a complex or simple power of attorney form or medical power of attorney we can help. Our power of attorney lawyer can create a power of attorney tailored to your specific needs.
Types of Powers of Attorney
General Power of Attorney and Limited Power of Attorney
A general power of attorney allows an adult to appoint another person to act on their behalf. A general power of attorney allows your agent to do almost anything on your behalf that you could legally do yourself. Under a limited power of attorney, your agent can only do a certain specific number of acts or transactions for you.
Financial Power of Attorney and Medical Power of Attorney.
A durable power of attorney, (sometimes abbreviated DPOA or POA), is often included in estate planning. It is a legal document where an adult, also referred to as a principal, designates someone as their agent to make decisions, such as financial decisions; on their behalf should they become incapacitated or disabled. When you grant a durable power of attorney, you are selecting and authorizing a person who will handle your financial affairs when you have become incapable of handling them yourself. Your agent has a legal duty to act in your best interest.
A medical power of attorney (MPOA) is also used in estate planning. It is sometimes referred to as a healthcare power of attorney or a durable power of attorney for healthcare. This is a legal document where an adult may designate another adult or group of adults to make decisions regarding health care on their behalf or to make funeral and other arrangements in the event of their death. When granting a health care power of attorney, you should also include a HIPAA authorization that gives your agent the right to access you medical records. Your medical power of attorney works hand-in-hand with your advanced directives.
You may want the same person to be both your medical power of attorney and medical power of attorney, or you may choose a different person for each.
Setting up a Power of Attorney
Your power of attorney plays a vital role in your estate plan. Life is unpredictable and you do not know if you will ever be put into a position where you will not be able to make these decisions. Without a power of attorney in place, the important decisions necessary for your health and well-being or that of your family can be left to the courts. Our estate planning attorney at Atlas Law, PLC can show you how to create a power of attorney or medical power of attorney that is tailored to your specific needs.
At Atlas Law, PLC our will lawyer takes estate planning very seriously. We believe that each client should receive a complete estate plan. As such, we include a durable power of attorney, medical power of attorney, and living will in most of our estate plans.
Estate Planning Lawyer
Atlas Law, PLC can assist you in writing a power of attorney or creating an estate plan best suited to you needs. Our power of attorney lawyer serves all of Wayne County, Oakland County, and Washtenaw County. To learn more about medical power of attorney (MPOA) and financial power of attorney (DPOA) and to see if getting a power of attorney is right for you call Atlas Law, PLC.
We offer free consultations and flexible appointments to meet your needs, including weekends and after hours appointments.
We will even come to you!
To learn more about your options call our Michigan lawyers at (248) 773-5555.